The 2025 International Conference on Advances in Computing Research (ACR’25)

Nice, France, July 7-9, 2025


The 2025 International Conference on Advances in Computing Research (ACR’25) supports the submission of posters to provide a forum for displaying and enhancing work in progress, and industry presentations of new applications, techniques, technologies, or approaches in the fields of Computational Intelligence, Cybersecurity Engineering, Data Analytics Engineering, Networking and Communication, Robotics and Automation, Cloud and Mobile Computing, and Software Engineering.

ACR’25 only welcomes posters from graduate students (Master/PhD), university faculty, and researchers and industry professionals with graduate degree. Others (undergraduate students and those with Bachelor's degree) are not allowed to submit posters nor be one of the authors

Posters will be assessed mainly on their ability to stimulate discussion, motivate the exchange of ideas, and encourage collaborations among conference participants. Poster proposals must be three-page long including title, authors' affiliation, abstract, content, figures, and references. Accepted posters will be published in the Springer Book Series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems as an extended abstract. The authors of accepted posters should write “Poster Paper” above the title of the poster. Poster boards and pins will be provided.

Poster papers (2-3 pages) should be emailed to the Posters Chairs, Oli Buckley (, Eleftheria Katsiri (, or Sandi Ljubic (